Corporate Profile


Head office & factory

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By train from Nagoya Station

Please take a JR Chuo-Line train (bound for Tajimi or Nakatsugawa) from track 7 or 8. Please get off the train at Kozoji Station (this takes about 30 minutes and is the 9th stop). ・Express trains also stop at Kozoji Station (these take about 25 minutes).

From Chubu Centrair Airport

Please take a Meitetsu Line train and get off at Kanayama Station (this takes about 25 minutes). At Kanayama station please change to a JR Chuo-Line train (bound for Tajimi or Nakatsugawa). Please get off the train at Kozoji Station ( this takes about 25 minutes and is the 9th stop). ・Express trains also stop at Kozoji Station (these take about 22 minutes).